There are lots of great reasons to send a greeting card to those who matter most in your life. However, sending cards to past clients is often overlooked. Just as you nurture your relationships with friends, family, and neighbors with a special note, you also build your business relationships when you send a card. This post explores some easy ways you can reconnect with past clients with a personalized note card. Social Media as a Marketing ResourceThese days, real estate agents and other business owners have an invaluable resource at their fingertips: being social media friends with their clients. Not only is it fun to keep up with their lives after the transaction, but you now have a front-row seat to some of their biggest moments and accomplishments. How can you use this insider’s look to connect and stay top-of-mind? Comments and likes on life event posts are often lost in the crowd. However, a tangible, beautifully designed notecard delivered to their mailbox won’t be forgotten! Reaching back out to your past clients after a sale makes a huge impact. It also goes a long way toward nurturing those relationships. When you take the time to wish someone a happy birthday or congratulations, you further build on those connections. This in turn helps to boost loyalty and can lead to referrals down the road. Top Occasions to Send Cards in the MailWith the help of social media platforms like Facebook, you have an amazing opportunity to connect with past clients. You can use your inside look into their lives to send a card in the mail related to that particular event. Here are the top five special occasions you can take advantage of to send a card to a past client: BirthdaysOk, this is an easy one, but so simple. Did you know that under your Events tab on Facebook, you can see all your friends’ upcoming birthdays? This means you’ll have plenty of time to get a birthday card signed, sealed, and delivered. Your client will be so blown away that you remembered their special day! Our greeting card service, Minute Mail Gifts, is an affordable way to send a custom greeting card with an amazing gift. Not only is it quick and easy, but this card service also allows you to include photos and a custom message inside for a truly personalized connection. Expecting a New BabyAre you even having a baby if you don’t announce it on social media first? Whether your client is becoming a parent or grandparent for the first time, or the fifth time, a new baby is always cause for celebration — and a card. Celebrate that impending bundle of joy with a custom greeting card. Then be sure to send a follow up gift once the baby is born. Launching a New Business or OrganizationStarting a business, passion project, event, or organization is a huge deal. It’s also one that requires a lot of support from friends and family. Sending a card with a few words of encouragement will go a long way in fueling your client’s dreams and making a lasting impression. Retiring or Landing a New JobThis new chapter of life can leave anyone feeling a little nervous, scared, and excited. A friendly, encouraging note from you could be just the push they need to feel totally confident. Getting Engaged or MarriedGetting married is a major life event that may require your expert real estate services sooner rather than later. Make sure you’re staying top-of-mind with a beautiful, heartfelt note of congratulations on a new engagement or marriage. More Reasons Why You Should Send a CardLooking for more ideas to send a card in the mail? Then be sure to explore ten other reasons to send a greeting card to past client or just someone you know! In addition to mailing out physical cards, client gifts are another great way to further relationships. Check out our client holiday gift guide for branded gift ideas to help enhance your existing or past client relationships and gain referrals. For more ways to successfully market your business, as well as information on new product launches and special offers, please subscribe to our newsletter. You can also follow us on Facebook or Instagram.
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