Greeting cards are a great resource for real estate agents. They offer a personal way to reconnect and thank clients for their support. By utilizing a greeting card service for business, it’s easier than ever to gain customer loyalty and generate referrals. Why Should I Use a Greeting Card Service?If buying and selling real estate is the core of your business, relationships are the heart. Real estate agents discover new leads through former clients as well as the network of other industries they work with – competing agent, mortgage brokers, property managers and real estate investors. Therefore, it’s exceeding important that you take the time to nurture and develop these connections. Personalized greeting cards are a simple yet effective marketing strategy that help you do just that. Direct mail marketing is proven to be a powerful tool in real estate marketing whether you send out yearly promotional calendars or canvas a hot neighborhood with postcards. Custom greeting cards are simply an extension of this strategy. They can help to expand your efforts to grow your business faster. However, for many professionals, time is a concern. There often seems to be too little time in the day to accomplish all the tasks we’ve set for ourselves. There’s also your budget to contend with. This is where a greeting card service designed for business can assist you. Using a greeting card service will not only save you a lot of time, but it can also reduce your out-of-pocket costs. Minute Mail Gifts: Greeting Card Service for BusinessWhen you choose Minute Mail Gifts for your custom note cards, you get more than just a greeting card service. We also provide the opportunity to include a memorable tuck in gift with every card you send. So, whether you’re sending out real estate thank you notes or pop-by gifts by mail, we have you covered! Our business service is quick, easy, and affordable. You can customize greeting cards with your personal message, photographs, and a surprise inside in about a minute for around $5 each! We also offer personal touches for greater impact such as handwritten fonts, the ability to turn your own handwriting into a custom font, and custom signatures. Does a Handwritten Card Service Make a Difference?Handwritten cards are a throwback to before the digital age. That’s not to say, however, that they no longer have a place. In fact, as handwritten cards have become rarer, their impression has grown. Where a successful email campaign has an open rate of about 23%, standard direct mail has an open rate of about 42%. However, handwritten cards offer even higher engagement. In fact, they boast a 99% open rate. In turn greeting cards created with handwriting also see a much higher response rate. This means you’ll see significantly more conversions than both digital marketing and traditional forms of direct mail. Not only does handwriting cards increase conversions, but it also makes customers and potential clients feel valued. As you can also include a small gift inside your card, your message is instantly taken to the next level. You’re practically guaranteed to stay on the top of clients’ minds when you choose a handwritten greeting card service. The best part about using Minute Mail Gifts is that you don’t have to write out the cards you send. Instead, we provide a variety of beautifully crafted, handwritten fonts for you to choose from. Or you can create your own font using your handwriting. We then print your message and optional photographs onto the cards, so they appear to be handwritten. Then we mail them to your addressee on the date you indicate using a real stamp. We also include a memorable keepsake gift of your choosing with every card. So, your clients and prospects receive a fun surprise with every communication. Reasons to Send Out Personalized Cards You now know how effective and efficient it is to send personalized cards as a real estate agent. However, you may be wondering why and when you should send cards. Here are some of the top reasons to use a greeting card service to mail cards to clients:
Discover more reasons to send real estate thank you notes here. Or explore more reasons to send a greeting card. Ready to get started using Minute Mail Gifts as your greeting card service of choice? Try it now!
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